These statistics aren’t encouraging. But if you adopt a four-day workweek, you can improve many of these workplace ills.
In this article, we’ll explain what a four-day workweek looks like and the benefits and challenges that come with it.
By reducing your overhead costs this way, you can actually boost profits!
Every company has a responsibility to do its part in fighting against climate change and adopting the four-day workweek is a great way to do it.
That said, switching to a four-day workweek still has some challenges:
If you’re not careful, workers might end up compensating for having one less workday by staying in the office longer, squeezing their past 40-hour workweek into four 10-hour days. But this defeats the point.
Cutting out a workday could mean you’ll be less available for customers. If clients expect you to answer emails, messages, and calls Monday through Friday, this might hurt your business. So be sure to communicate your service hours clearly.
The four-day workweek isn’t for every company, but many can benefit from the switch. You won’t know until you give it a try.